Once the game has started, open the console again at the pause menu.
As of SC 5.0, the precache limit has been increased to 8192, so this isn't an issue anymore. A huge Player Model Pack can be downloaded here (7707 models, ~2.2 GiB download size, ~11 GiB extracted). Press ~ and enter one of the following console commands. Half-Life: Sven Co-op, Cheats, Cheat Codes and Guides for the PC All commands can be typed in chat or in the console. Then, press ~ if the orange text on the screen does not disap.
At the main menu, use the ` (tilde) key to open the console. If you are running a dedicated server please use SteamCmd to update your servers. mp_nextmap_cycle: Map name: Sets the … Replace XXX with the chapter number.